The Story I Never Wanted…
I never wanted this to be a part of my story. Quite honestly, I got to a point in my life already where I felt like God had already “given me enough of a testimony” and He could lay off for a little while… (please hear the joking sarcasm in that…) I guess I was naive and forgot that our testimony earth side is being added to each and every day, and though there are extremely difficult and challenging things we go through on this side of eternity, there are also really awesome things we get to experience as well. What I am about to share does not qualify as one of those awesome things. I understand if you have to stop reading here.. Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault & Suicidal Ideation… I am going to go ahead and start by saying this… Isn’t it amazing how someone can completely break your spirit, take advantage of you, manipulate and abuse you, and still somehow twist you to be the villain? Even after I experienced what I did, I never wanted to ruin this person’s life. I never ha...