
Showing posts from April, 2019

I am a Seed

I am a seed Not yet planted If given the chance, I could bloom Instead, I’ve been beaten and stomped on Mocked and belittled Told that I would never amount to anything That I was a mistake That I was unplanned I never fit in with the other plants at the greenhouse They mocked me because I did not look or act like them The other plants never invited me to grow with them I grew in solitude No one wanted to be my friend I was a depressed seed that just needed some care I was scared to be planted for fear of not looking good enough Anxiety overtook my thoughts They laughed because I never bloomed But I was not given what I needed I did not have extravagant petals or leaves I never had what the other plants had I had second hand sun with weeds surrounding me I was thrown in rocks expecting to grow Plants cannot grow unless they get sunlight and water The environment that they grow in is just as important You need soil to support you as ...